Well last week I bought tickets for the school production….So G, J and I could attend…
I love school productions. I have not attended one here but if it is anything like our last school they will be awesome with some extremely talented kids.
Then I noticed that it was not on the Friday I had planned on going….(planned on going while G was here)
So today I planned on going with J…. Until I spoke with a neighbor who informed me it was on the 28th Not today the 21st January. So thank you Mrs. H. or otherwise I would have been setting off right now to see the production of Foot loose….A week early…I would have been frozen solid by the time they actually opened the doors.
Today I had a conversation with a male Dr. we will call him Dr. DUH!
So I asked Dr. DUH! A question…his face said it all…as if to say…I have spoken, why would you question me???
I was not questioning him….I was asking a question. Do you not know the difference…?
Yet he still never answered my question….
Dr. DUH! Had been sent some papers to fill in which was basically asking for a brief report and it was giving my permission that somebody else knew the diagnosis of J…
Dr.DUH! Looked at me and said you want me to do this….Hummmm YES Dr. DUH! I do!!!
NO Dr. DUH! You’re not being checked up on!!! When asking questions you look mortified you’re being asked anything! I need a little more than your offering…Yes it wonderful you are seeing us and I bow too your superior status….But you’re not god and until you are get off your high horse!
Had my hair cut today…I can now see passed my fringe/bangs!
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