August 8, 2011

Ok….So since I last wrote what’s happened….
hummmm a quake or two. Lovely…NOT!!!!
Read a book or two…..Started my book club book –CUTTING FOR STONE…..I hope I will enjoy it…I need to get it read now because I know I can’t leave this book until the last minute like the others.
I WENT TO THE GYM…I think that line needs capitals!!! Hey a big deal for me next time I will make the letters bigger as well as capitals!
GL is back and we have renamed here Mama G….Well she renamed herself….
Went out for dinner with the ladies…Lovely evening.
Went to the pool a few times lovely weather…Ducks like it more than the people at times!!!!
Went to the local Bon Odori, outside our house….This is a great event, lots of local people and Westerners mix and dance, local food to buy (I would not touch it with a barge pole, but I am in formed it is nice) Hummmm I can’t ask what’s in it so I am not eating it!!!!!… Some do and they assure me that there is no fish…hummm NOT convinced!!! During the day time of the Bon Odori , some of the people dress in white outfits and then carry this HUGE wooden frame with something on top of it…not sure what that something is, but while carrying this heavy frame, they sing or chant and I think there is a drum…(on that description I can hear the travel magazines rushing to ask me to work for them…NOT!!!)
So…while carrying the frame a guy in the front and is pushing them back…Now I am sure there is a logical explanation for this, but I would be SOOOOO made going forward to paces and back a half a pace…I would shout…’Oy mate get here and carry it and I will push you back’
Yes I know more of my obnoxiousness is coming through…Sorry!!!!
Took J to a local arcade type place…nothing like what I have seen in the UK…but then I was not looking.
Today when we got there I sat down with my book…read a page then played on my phone until I got bored…(that never took long!) I look up and see the machines that seem to be a big hit with people…So I wanted a go also…I take my seat…and it is like a coin flipping thing and you need to get the coins into the light up slots and if you go Mario gets to move a couple of spaces….Well let me tell you 1000Yen does not go that far!!!! I had J show me how to play and I think I was kinda of getting the hang of it…
I was so tempted to go get another 1000Yen worth of coins….Well it was fun!!!!! Oh yes and my screen was called Dasiy…No idea why I remembered that but I did…may be because it was the only English in front of me….

I love my phone…I do I love it!!!! I get to make calls, send text messages, check email, take photo’s, play games and find where I am if I am lost (not also that much help in Japan as I don’t read, write or speak Japanese) I also use it as a GPS for when I walk to tell me how far I walk and how many calories I have used up. (I actually use two apps for that in case one of them is lying…so far neither is telling lies….) Well….I have now decided I don’t think I actually need a phone for the calls…that part can be removed.
I don’t really use my phone for calls…in fact I think I should have a discount on the calls front….seriously…I never use the phone part...So I was checking all the apps I have…I REALLY, REALLY can’t believe some of the apps I down loaded I was seriously not thinking straight when I typed in my pass code ….. I play the games more than anything…I would like to think I am getting better at them…well I can dream!!!

Yeti Moo 41 days and counting…NOT 41 SLEEPS…41 DAYS!!!!

SoM, I want you to know I am extremely proud of you!!!!
Thanks for your help this week…You rock!!!!!

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