October 26, 2011

Well…I did manage to fit a movie in on Saturday…we watched ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ with our breakfast. Been ages since I had seen and it had us ALL laughing out loud…GREAT start to the day!
We had a lovely Saturday night out with the Bubbles’ lovely evening, lovely company and everyone listened me because I talked and talked and then just for good measure…well I talked some more!

J is off school this week…so for some bizarre reason I keep say…’what you doing this spring break’ …Spring break…it’s fall break , come on Wend!…Well it’s really called Half term…well it is in the UK, I guess I have become very Americanized.
This week found me playing a board game with Jamie…Before starting the game…I was oh no…REALLY, ANY NEED???? Yes there is a need….but that’s for a WHOLE OTHER BLOG!!!!
Then Yesterday, we watched another movie.......Then today I drove Jamie and 2 friends to Disney Sea….This was a big deal for me….I don’t things like this on my own…NEVER, REALLY I don’t.
…BUT…I had fun…great time with the kids and met up with another friend and her child.
I had taken my kindle, some magazines and my trusty phone… (Which died just before we left)
Great drive there, great drive hum, great kids, great company…a little kindle reading and the weather was good!!!! ABSOLUTLY no complaining from…REALLY NONE!!!!!
I might just do this again...not promising, but I might.

I then came home and cooked from scratch…Well G, had chopped onions and mushrooms and cooked the rice…but I did the rest.

So know I have been in the running for mother of the year for the last 2 days…I think it’s time to stop!
I am exhausted!!!!!

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