I then went back to the gym in the evening with G and did another little bit…which wiped me out!!!!
I felt I should go to the gym again after going to a birthday and having a desert….
To be honest I never felt guilty after eating dessert, maybe I should have but I just never….
Yesterday I was at the gym at 6.10 ( this upset me a little as I had been awake and only dozing since 3ish am and I looked at my clock again and it was 6am) So after my workout I did consider jumping in the pool…once again a shiver down my spine but a stop to it!!!!
I came home did my chores and took J to school…Then I headed for the pool….
So the sun was shining, I am thinking ok……can’t be that bad the kids have been in it all weekend.
I notice one of the lifeguards who was cleaning and doing checks etc….
I go and find a bed for my towel and stuff…Not difficult as I am the only one stupid enough to be there!!!
Then I walked over to the one side of the pool…(the only side I use for some bizarre reason) and I start climbing down into the pool…..The words that went through my mind at that time were too many mention and some not printable…So I have the water about waist high….I can do this right?…come on Wend’ just jump in and get your shoulders under….come on Wend’ it will be time to pick J up from school at this rate ( I should have just went straight in from the deep end)…Well I did it…I thought my heart had stopped….Thank goodness there was a life guard there in case I died of a heart attack after the shock of the freezing arctic water …Well I carried on and very quickly I warmed up…
I actually spent 40 minutes..Swimming and doing water aerobics…go me!!!!!
So today I am going again after school drop off…..
Really hope there is a life guard there again early in case the pool is any colder than yesterday…I don’t think it could be….
Today is J’s birthday…can’t believe he is 12….I mean REALLY, ANY NEED!!!!
Gone are the days of me telling him hair cut time….That topic is going to cause major hassles I think with us and his curly hair…
Gone are the days the lights were out at 8pm..Because if he was a sleep by 8pm I know he will be wandering the house at 3 am…
Gone are the days of reading stories….. Big shame!
Gone are the days he did not have an opinion!!!!....Oh I wish those days where back!
……but also gone are the days he would only eat chicken nuggets and fries and NOTHING else….YAYYYYY!!!!
I actually remember him telling another mother at her child’s party at a party where pizza was served that he was allergic to the pizza…..REALLY!!!! Also told another mother he was allergic to mashed potatoes….
Happy birthday sweetheart….Love you!
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