J is home…Yayyyyyyyy…call us when you’re close, we told him…Ok was the reply….we get a call…where are you??? He askes….hummm at home waiting for your call…..Why? I texted you he replies…arrggghhhh We drive to the school…I call him to see if he is at the front or the back of the school…..NO answer…I call again NO answer… again ARGGGHHHHHHH
So we drive past all the field studies buses…(only 2 but they took up a lot of the street)
We drive to the pickup zone…there he is…just hanging out….arggghhhhh….so pleased he is home!
REALLY I am I have missed him
We went and watched the rugby…with Mr. Bubbles input via text messaging……
This week I had to drive into Tokyo, on my way back in HIS CAR…NOT MINE…I noYtice a car the same colour as mine….My car is a sort of baby blue….and NOBODY else has the same car in that colour in Japan, or so it seems…most people know it’s me….(it’s not mauve, TBL) So I speedup a little to see why MY car is driving on that road…it should be parked outside G’s office. Well I see the number plate…Still no idea if it’s mine ….Don’t know what my number plate (only 4 numbers as well, and I have been driving the car over a year) It was G… when I was talking to myself saying “that’s my car’ he was saying the same thing to the person in MY car…he knew HIS from a distance….He said there are very few cars like the colour of his on the road….is he for real, I passed 2 on the way to Tokyo and 1 on the way home….REALLY I did
We had Lunch out twice this week….same place, same seat with almost the same people.
I think they even know what I want know before I order…same thing every time…Spicy chicken, which is about as spicy as a jar of baby food…and spaghetti.
Seen a man who looked in his 70’s (who was probably in 90’s because everyone seems ageless in Asia)
With his walkman….I have not seen a walkman since at least the late 90’s….even the headphones looked like the original ones.
Then while listen to the American radio station, they were talking about walkmans..then the mp3 when every was like…wow , it can hold up to 150 songs….then onto the iPods that can hold 1000;s…Which made me think….of course I need something that holds 10000’s of songs…REALLY I do….I have something in my car called a music catcher…you put in a CD and press music catcher…and it will record the songs to the hard drive…pretty cool huh?...well kind of cool, would be even better if I knew how to delete some of the CD’s but it is all in Japanese….Also this device…does not have an on/ off button…not the music catcher but the WHOLE device…it’s a radio, GPS, CD play and something else all in one…ALL IN JAPANESE….Arggghhhhhh…………………..So what I am saying is…I have put quite a few CD’s on this thingy and I know which CD is coming on next and what songs…so I can appreciate where people were going with the MP3 and IPod
………………Yes so back to the man with the silver walkman and orange foam ear pieces and a silver headband…I wonder if that would be class as an antique? (The walkman, not the old man)
I have also decided I have to get better and stop pulling faces at things I don’t like or want…because it seems people know what I am thinking with these faces….. It’s amazing…people just guess I don’t like something….
So next week I am going on a train…no idea where but I am going and J is coming with me….Lucky J….
I think he might have something to say about all of this but hay…..
Getting excited about a few events in the next week months…..
Signed up for a few things also…..First being couples Bunkco night…G is not here so I am taking SoM as my date for the night. Casino night….and Burns night. Just to name a couple.
Now I am looking forward to staying in watching movies on this wet, rainy Saturday. Don't think that will happen, no matter how many faces I pull... REALLY I don't